Hi Affy,
I didn't work for them in person but my company did provide affactive with marketing services, as we do for many companies.
Hi Affy,
I didn't work for them in person but my company did provide affactive with marketing services, as we do for many companies.
Jerome Kim
Senior account manager
skype: jerome.kim6
Thanks for the swift response.
Just asked as there is a linkedin profile stating a Jerome Kim is Head of Affiliates at Ultrapartners and was Marketing/Affiliate Manager for Affactive.
As the latter don't have the best name IMHO and the linkedin account has no picture I just wanted to make sure. There are so much fake accounts and scammers around these days.
-Shay- (8 March 2019), drifter8 (20 March 2019), Roulette Zeitung (12 March 2019)
+++ UPDATE +++
Admin fee rip-off Program Ultra Partners doubles down on their admin fees, says officially on AGD now "we do have 25% admin fees and you know what? this is our policy and in no way this will be changed"
"in no way this will be changed"
This is exactly, what webmaster have been waiting for.
What a great performance from the representative... once again.
After I asked Jerome indirectly, why he did not apologized here at least to FictionNet for his rude behavior, he says: "I can only regret using inappropriate language against a GPWA webmaster and for this you have my sincere apologies"
Why he apologizes to me instead of FictionNet, this will remain his big secret. However, he now announced public, that he will "speak to the webmaster in person as well". Like a coward via PM or like a man in the public, we will see.
A little bit disappointing, that he only talks about apologizes AFTER I pressed him about it yesterday on AGD. He had enough time to do that before, right? No word until my post.
Once again - Official Statement from Ultra Partners with respect to their 25% admin fee rip-off:
"in no way this will be changed"
As if chiseled in stone.
What a public relation disaster ... once again.
-Shay- (12 March 2019), FictionNet (12 March 2019), PromoteCasino (12 March 2019)
Got an email from Ultra Partners asking if we want to work with them, thanks to this thread we decided to pass. When I said one of the reasons was the admin fee the person offered to speak to their manager and see if can be dropped to 15%.
Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk
-Shay- (12 March 2019), FictionNet (12 March 2019), Roulette Zeitung (12 March 2019)
This admin fee is everything that will be deducted or it's just an extra to gaming fee, transaction fee, etc.
There are a few variants:
- programs deducting real costs (gaming fee, transaction fee)
- programs that put all the costs together in an admin fee and deduct just that
- programs that deduct real costs + admin fee
- programs that deduct every penny of their team party, conference booth and an admin fee...
BCC21K (12 March 2019), PromoteCasino (12 March 2019)
Hello Jamie,
I can only regret that you take the word of a certain hostile forum member instead of a few thousand happy affiliates.
Within the 3 years of our operation we have not sent a single chargeback to or affiliates, this is a part of the admin fees and the fact that we are choosing to operate our business in a certain way does not give the right to any affiliate to criticize us so bluntly as seen in this forum.
Like every operation, what matters most is the actual paycheck, and with Ultra affiliates earn high commissions which reflect the hard work we are doing to keep our customers happy.
Jerome Kim
Senior account manager
skype: jerome.kim6
Correct me if I'm wrong Jerome but this looks like hardworking affiliates with genuine casino traffic are paying higher cost to cover for risk of those who bring scammers and players that chargeback, correct?!
If so, don't you think there are more appropriate (read fair) ways to deal with this?
FictionNet (12 March 2019)
This is undeniable evidence, that the statement "in no way [the 25% admin fee] will be changed" is a barefaced lie and it's also the smoking gun I was waiting for.
The fact, that admin fees are obviously negotiable, proves their insubstantiality, is undeniable evidence, that they are nothing but a rip-off, extra money for hookers, pool parties, for high-five, how stupid webmasters must be.
There are programs, who don't take admin fee.
There is no real admin fee, which is going over 4% without detailed justification and up to 7% with justification.
Anything else is a rip-off, and if it is negotiable, then the uninformed small webmaster pays it all for this hoax.
I know for a fact, that admin fees are a shady legacy of Pyramid Schemes, Multi-Level-Marketing rip-offs, marriage agencies and Pharma scams.
I infiltrated and exposed them all, so I know, what I am talking about.
FictionNet (12 March 2019), JamieG1981 (12 March 2019)
Wow ...
Was seriously considering working with you guys until saw the 25% admin fee
How ridiculous
FictionNet (12 March 2019), Roulette Zeitung (12 March 2019)
I seriously beg to differ .. its called freedom of speach + the fact you are in a public forum ..
Affiliates are more in touch & looking out for each other these days.. many years ago it was pretty much each man for themselves
Massive thanks to you Leopold for pointing out something a lot of others would have missed.. glad I saw your post otherwise I would have been joining the long list of affiliates getting bent over for the sake of 25%
-Shay- (12 March 2019), FictionNet (12 March 2019), JamieG1981 (12 March 2019), Roulette Zeitung (12 March 2019), Triple7 (12 March 2019)
Jermone, the fact that you are STILL blaming Leopold for your rip-off fee and your offensive 'business methods' (ie. running your mouth off unprofessionally) is the reason I did not accept your fake, face-saving apology. It wasn't genuine and you should be apologising to EVERYONE in this thread you've belittled, people who know A LOT more about this industry than you.
Please do not message me again.
Roulette Zeitung (12 March 2019), Triple7 (12 March 2019)
Putting aside Jerome's PR skills
I have to address your issues with Admin fees.
I am relaunching my site after a break of six months and looking for new casinos to advertise as such I have been doing due diligence lately.
my conclusions
1. All casinos who have an aggregator and work with multiple software/game providers work on GGR basis , they pay royalties to their provider and each game provider based on GGR. Also they are charged GGR on bonus money ( some games they get a rebate of up to 15% ) but for all intents and purposes it is calculated as real money. Royalties for most games providers can be from 8 % to 25% depending on the games the most popular branded games being the most expensive.
2. The only programs that don't charge admin fees are casinos using either RTG or Rival ( or may be old Microgaming and Playtech brands)- why ? they are charged royalties on an NGR basis only . some only paying around 8 - 10% to RTG on NGR not GGR
My conclusions are that the industry has changed and we must change with it.
If you don't want an admin fee , work on CPA . or only send your traffic to RTG /RIVAL programs.
Players demand more choice now a days especially in Europe and have more accounts at numerous casinos as such player values are lower costs are higher and Admin fees a demanded.
universal4 (20 March 2019)
My personal issue with the 25% admin fee is merely the percentage
A 40% RS agreement with a 25% admin fee reduces your RS to just 30%
If you are offered a 30% RS deal then your share is 22.5% ....
How the heck is that large amount justifiable
The GPWA has been working towards listing and disclosing all admin fees charged by affiliate programs.
We understand affiliate's concerns about admin fees and other fees that affect commission payouts, and that expressing an opinion regarding the amount charged is logical. We should all remember to be civil when expressing opinions about groups or programs. To continually badger a program about their fees or charges does not move the discussion to a better place.
-Shay- (20 March 2019), FictionNet (20 March 2019)
Roulette Zeitung (20 March 2019)
+++ My last and final addendum ever +++
After I left, it was brought to my attention, that even a poem about autumn from a well know writer from Austria was completely censored here.
Anthony, what do you have to say to that?
Can you explain the audience, why your moderator has removed a POEM?
Read this post, Anthony, before Rick is removing it!
So, definite my last post here on this disgusting, hostile, two-faced, only about money and power abuse forum, my last post with the exception, that lies or weak attacks will be spreaded in my absence and not the truth.
Just look at AGD or at my Twitter Account. If something strange will happen here, I will report it there.
So, Anthony, it's your turn. I brought you zillions time out of the line of fire, and now you can show me, if your moderator has a free ticket for anything and if you second his decisions, and I don't care if with or without gun at the head.
And to the audience I will say, the only language GPWA obviously understands is to boycott all new sponsors. Then the flow of money will stop, and they will pay the price for their backstabbing and unethically behavior.
Again, if something strange happens, just look at my Twitter account or at AGD. The arms of GPWA are not so strong, that they can censor anything, anywhere, anytime.
Happy Wedding Day, Leopold.
Thank Goodness, it's over now, and you do not need to support this failing place of money anymore.
So Rick, it's time to censor this post also!
-Shay- (20 March 2019), FictionNet (20 March 2019), Triple7 (20 March 2019)
I received an e-mail update to the thread and ended up reading the poemI can't pretend to know what it had to do with the thread (I'm no poetry reader - if you'd done anything as fancy as reading a poem at my school you'd have been battered for it - by the pupils AND teachers) but I read it in my head. I liked it, even though I didn't 100% understand it, I'm pretty sure I got the 'story' of the changing of seasons. Life and death. I could be wrong
Anyway, I really liked it, especially for someone who never, ever reads poetry. I noticed the 'rhythm' in which it automatically read itself aloud to me in my own mind (bit of a revelation, that feeling).
To be fair to Rick, I perhaps see why it was removed, Leopold, mateIt was rather cryptic, even with the best intentions. I think we all love your weirdness (hope that's not offensive - I am weird as can be) in it's varied, obscure, genius, generous, kind and determined ways. Just maybe poetry ain't resolving this thread, sadly - I wish it would be that simple!
At the same time, I can see why you'd see the posting of a poem as harmless and the removal of it wrong - a totally logical reaction.
Thanks for making me see/understand poetry a little different for the first time.
Let's try to have a nice day. Sending good thoughts to all.
Last edited by FictionNet; 20 March 2019 at 8:09 am. Reason: clarity - s'early
Triple7 (20 March 2019)