Exciting times are in store for BetOnline Affiliates. We will be moving address and changing out name to commission.bz!
In this issue:
Commission.bz, what it is all about
Updating your links to commission.bz
Questions related to commission.bz
Commission.bz, what it is all about
Over the past year the affiliate program has increased by one thousand percent and we now believe it is time that the affiliate program is given a new home. The new home for BetOnline Affiliates will be commission.bz.
Commission.bz will offer all the same offerings as the current affiliate program including more banners, creative’s and landing pages for you to choose, as well live lines and sports statistics you can place on your website.
Updating your links to commission.bz
Upon launching commission.bz we request all affiliates to start updating their links and basically changing their links from partners.betonline.com to partners.commission.bz. This basically means should we decide in the future to change domain names of the Sportsbook to promote you will not need to update your links as we can do this using commission.bz’s backend.
The interim plan is to have both partners.commission.bz and partners.betonline.com running alongside each other for a few months to allow affiliates time to update their websites. However upon launching commission.bz we strongly suggest all affiliates to update their links to the latest banners and tracking.
Questions related to commission.bz
If you have any questions you would like to ask about commission.bz then please do email the affiliate team by emailing affiliates @ betonline.com as we would be more than happy to address them.