Nice ! Well done![]()
The picture to the trailer.
With a friendly Klabautermann ( sitting on your shoulder to protect your ship ...
I am ready for Captain's Dinner!
It started with one unsinkable ship!
Now a large fleet conquers the world.
Do you want to hear the voices of success, the laugher, the cheers and the singing whales?
Stop your search!
Because ... You've reached a safe harbour ... Harbour Gaming
This is really a great feature!
Look at the screenshot, made during my current "Harbour Girls" session from today!
Harbour Gaming don't need any pre-recorded scam. The "live" games are really life and no bum steer.
On the television monitor in the room of Harbour's lotto draw I saw the same sport event from Eurosport that was broadcasted in my parlor.
Check yourself:
At the end of the day, it's often only the smallest of details that decide whether a casino is a fine place to play or a shabby flophouse.
Roulette Zeitung (7 August 2014)
Cool stuff !
Maria F (7 August 2014), Roulette Zeitung (7 August 2014)
Hello Maria,
as I promised last month: The article is online.
An article primarily dedicated to you and an answer to the question, why it's so important, that you hold Harbour Gaming's rudder safely in your hands.
It's a homage to you and not just another ordinary advertising article.
Something special and no question ... the truth.
===> The new casinos: Harbour Gaming with Maria Florides (More than just a glossy roulette ball)
Perhaps you have a German speaking colleague on board, who can translate professional the real sense of my words and read it loud to you.
I am not able to translate it without losing the power of the words.
Maria F (12 September 2014)
Roulette Zeitung (11 November 2014)
Hello Maria,
while other people from this industry have to fear Google entries about their name ... this article is now at least on German Google on the first result page.
But that was not enough for me. You deserve more. A personal (!) tribute, with a twinkle in the eye but every second with a special mention. Not everyone from this industry can claim to have something like that, not even if they want to pay for it.
You don't need to pay for anything.
Certainly not!
Some awards find their own addressees.
And some people will never understand, why!
This is not our problem, Maria.
If people are searching for "Maria Florides" Google will give them the right answer.
The ✯✯✯✯✯ answer.
The truth.
Source: A tribute to Maria Florides
Hi Leopold,
That was an amazing trailer! You are getting better and better
Honestly I feel very lucky to have you as my affiliate; it makes life as an affiliate manager so much easier and pleasant when you have a good relationship with the people you are working with. At the end of the day you become friends working towards a common goal.
Also you are so generous to share your knowledge with others, this is a rare quality.
Note: You know wonder woman is one of my favorite characters; this gives me an idea for the next conference LOL.
Roulette Zeitung (12 November 2014)
Leopold EntertainmentI like that !
Very nice trailer. what can I say its hard to compete this Leopold. Well done !
Maria F (3 December 2014)
Hahahaha "unsinkable ship"
Leopold Entertainment Pictures, with Leopold's face instead of lion.
Captain's Dinner could be great![]()
Maria F (3 December 2014), Roulette Zeitung (22 January 2015)
This is the Harbour Gaming fan thread in the sponsor area.
In a few days Maria will go aboard towards the North Sea.
Most times rough weather.
The right time for a fan-made intro.
Indeed, for every webmaster Maria is the lighthouse, even in heavy seas.
The MPEG-4 video in 1920 x 1080 HD quality is ready for download here:
Click on the grey (!) "Download This File" button!
Maria F (22 January 2015)
Roulette Zeitung (23 January 2015)
This program lost the best affiliate manager far and wide.
Now Harbour Gaming, you have a difficult legacy to meet the increasing requirements of this industry, to meet the fabulous work of Maria.
The future will tell.
ocreditor (11 October 2015)