Hi Silke,
Why should I or we (your partners) make any accusations?
The only thing we want is a good bussiness and results. Is'nt it? Why do we work with you if we want to accusate you? Ask Pauline how many times in the past jears I have pointed you about the missing BTAG codes.
Back to the point:
Afther my post yesterday, you have asked your team to fix those missing BTAG code's today, realy didnt you??? (today) and you just come here and tell me I make accusations whithout saying sorry it was our fault we fixd it. You realy think this is classy?
p.s. They tryed to fix them "quick" today, exept they forgot to fix 777 Dragon it forwards in to a 404 page! and other brands dosent load at all (on firefox) Maybe you can ask them to recheck!
- click here:
- scroll down to end of the page click on
vegas partner lounge logo on the right, click on it, it will forward you to vegas partner lounge.
- now scroll down to the very end of the page and select 777 dragon (
dont click on logo's but tekst links), again scroll down, click on play now. You see the 404 page currently. Same problem for
Sun vegas,
River Nile, and
Cinema casino, it does not load or does not forward the btag code.
The guys did there very best this morning to fix the links asap from forwarding the direct "no btag registration links" in to "download pages", they just didnt dubbel check if they left any non working pages. Well check your self.