Looks like Betfred are having some stats problems again this month. Looks to be a couple of days behind now.
Looks like Betfred are having some stats problems again this month. Looks to be a couple of days behind now.
And still problems......
Updated now by the looks of it if you go to the 'Account Report' section, homepage summary still a bit iffy mind...
Stats have frozen again, must be the cold weather.
-Shay- (30 January 2015)
More likely that it relies on one individual to run something to load stats.
-Shay- (30 January 2015)
Stats problems are a monthly occurrence for Betfred, as are a number of programs on Income Access - feeds to external systems, errors, jobs not working etc etc etc. All in all, affiliates nowadays want stats to be regular and reliable. Any blip or regular "blip" just dents confidence. When have you ever seen some of the more reliable programs not update their stats on time, or pay on time? Never! This is why people like Betfred won't win awards ahead of these regular winners, not naming anyone of course![]()
RacingJim (31 January 2015), universal4 (30 January 2015)
Our experience with Betfred and Income Access
"load", modify, filter, change, alter, whatever you want to call it![]()
It seems Income Access is far from automated sometimes. Having worked in companies with feeds between internal and external systems it's never ideal to be doing this sort of thing vs having a system onsite that does the job. However, companies will still choose to work with flawed systems for some reason. Don't think some of these companies realise it's not good for business and detracts from their affiliate programs. Either that, or they have no other option but to use one of a limited set of third party affiliate systems for their program due to budgets, skills, resources etc
it does surprise me that you can log onto the Betfred Income Access system and see that your users placed 10.0357 bets in a day! Doesn't add to the confidence in the system, does it?
I assumed that this was something do with poker rake calculations - and share of the pot. Back when they USED to break this report down by segment - it was always the poker part that had the weird decimals.
But as for thee other issues about manipulation required before loading stats into IA system - agreed.
I've implemented a new link count checker on my side, capturing all outbound clicks to partners, recording data like date/time, location, reader ip and reader agent. Early indications are that a significant number of clicks are not counted at some programs.
More info to follow after a month or so ....
I have done this for a while now, with interesting results. The benefits of putting some sort of counter/redirector on your side is that you're in complete control of your own traffic. If you don't like an advertiser, or get shut down by them, you can save all of those previously published links and send them to a competitor instead. We've done this with operators that disappeared of the face of the earth and we redirected all links to one of the big sportsbooks instead. We're still getting hundreds of clicks per month on old links published around the web. For example, where an advertiser might have a World Cup 2014 link that they disable in Income Access following the event, as an affiliate you'll still get traffic on this link for a while and can send it wherever you want to.
On the counting - interesting results on our side. You'll find that you'll be counting x thousand clicks, but potentially only seeing half of them register in affiliate systems. Some systems are worse than others. Clicks from bots, clicks that the advertiser/affiliate system deems as duplicate, or clicks they just don't like, users without cookies set in their browser, going through proxies etc etc can all add up to clicks not being counted on the advertiser side.
I know most affiliate systems have the ability for the affiliate to create separate trackers so that you can separate your stats into geo, ad position etc, but the best way to do this is to keep it on your side and do it one generic way. As in a previous discussion we've had, due to Income Access providing the ability for advertisers to disable affiliate links, most savvy affiliates have stripped down their tracking with IA to just one or two links that they know work. You can then do all the custom tracking on your own systems instead.
Indeed - that's why I am NOW capturing all the detail from the HTTP variables out of the users browser when I send them off - and can easily count the various bot clicks and duplicate clicks - and interrogate the data for each click. OS, Browser, Hardware, the lot.
I've centralised clicks from the start, but I was just adding counts together and relying on basic numbers - but now each click creates a complete proprietary record.
Potentially, I can pull up a report that says 300 clicks, with complete details, including a snapshot of the user through their web-cam too!
(OK not that last bit - but you get the idea)
Interesting stuff guys, I've also wanted to implement click counts an goal checking at my end rather than the affiliate end but not got round to it yet. Will be interesting to hear any detailed results you have Gooner in the near future.
Similar here Gooner, I'm happy to exchange a bit of tracking information with you if it helps validate your findings too. I think that if info is cross validated we might be able to get to the bottom of issues and work out ways to do things better as affiliates. If you're interested then I can start tracking the same variables as you and go from there. I don't think any of it would be commercially sensitive to us as affiliates or the advertisers, and if so, for example IP addresses, we could always scramble that data between us.
Stats broke for 28th and 29th of January, so still don't know what I'm on properly for the month. Coral broke at the 31st, as did Gala. Stats carnage.
Voids (2 February 2015)
Stats froze again, sort yer bloody stats out Active Wins.
Stats have been down for 3 entire days - seems to have started Betfred was taken down for 'maintenance'. Very annoying.
Indeed, hopefully no nasty surprises when it eventually does update this close to the end of the month...