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Roulette Zeitung
"Finally, I had an answer. They are doing an investigation."
Tanned by the Caribbean sun, the belly filled with smoked salmon and caviar from the final Captain's Dinner, lazy and sluggish and with the last of their strength the remaining Star Partners sailor crew crept over to Fabrice who was lying unconsciously on the ship's deck due to excessive consumption of rum but still dreaming of the sun rising into the blue sky above him and how he is driving Michael Knight's Trans Am, like his lucky players do.
They yelled at him: "Fabrice, wake up! Josy does not intend to leave us alone!"
After a few minutes Fabrice was mumbling something that they could not clearly hear.
"I believe, it was something with "infest" he said", one bystander commented.
"No, no, tell her, we will "investigate" it.", another Star Partner sailor proposed.
"So we can gain time ... until Fabrice is back on his feet."
"Aye-aye, sir!"