Hello everyone,

We came to you a while ago and asked you what you wanted to see in an affiliate prgram. We have used this feedback and we want some more as the program is actually taking shape now.

This is what we got from you back then :

- Flash Games and Progressive Jackpot tickers in script version
- Stats which are easier to use and interpret
- Easy to use tracking with stats for clicks, downloads, registrations and depositing players
- Easy to create and to interpret campaign tracking
- Instant access to stats figures upon logging in
- More detailed stats within a few clicks
- Accumulated earnings for the day, month, and previous month available upon logging in
- Quick way to retrieve links
- Easy access to the sub-affiliate links
- Minimal number of clicks to retrieve a banner
- When displaying the linking code, just include the code, no formatting etc
- Use the same terminology in the FAQ, terms and conditions and the reports
- List at least ten or fifteen links on each page
- Banner sizes 468x60, 250x250, 234x60,120x60, 300x250, 120x240, 786x90, 125x125, 120x600
- Offer generic banners that don't include bonus information
- Next to a payment method, display the minimum payment amount and any applicable charges
- Game reviews with screenshots
- Make sure it works the same for us OS X users as it does for PC users

If there is anything else that you want to see implemented into the new program please let us know. We are also looking for Beta Testers - some of you have already volunteered and are included in the list. If anyone else also wishes to be a Beta Tester feel free to drop me a line.

We are really going all out to make sure that we have features and usability in this program - so we would appreciate any feedback that you can share with us.

We might not have everything available in version 1 but we do have a dedicated team so the Affiliate program will be updated constantly with new features and tools.
