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Bryan Bailey said on Casinomesieter that he will be speaking with the CEO's of MG when in London, now Bailey is an asscoiate as such of Michael Corfman, Bailey has appeared as a senior advocate in a recent video of the APCW in sticking it to Grand Prive, the special video done about 2 weeks or so ago.
Point is that with those sort of connections, Micheal could not get a sit down with the CEO of MG through Bailey? really?
What use is CM to affilaites and to the GPWA as associates if Bailey cannot use his influence to set up a meeting for the GPWA with MG, yes i know CM is player only, but was it not the idea that CM, GPWA, AGD, APCW were all working together to have a pop at Grand Prive, seems this only goes so far.
Now then lets look at that again shall we, we have Bailey saying he will meet the CEO of MG in London when J Todd is in the same city at the same time attending the same event.
Am i the only one seeing this?