GPWA Executive Director, Casino City CEO, Friend to the Village Idiot
Resources for Affiliates:,,
Not that it matters that much, but they were no longer a sponsor six months after promptly providing the information we forwarded to you. I agree that was a long time after we made the decision to sever their sponsorship, but it was as fast as was legally possible.
Look, I understand you are angry about the whole situation with them. And that you are unhappy that is as fast as our contract would allow us to proceed. Normally we have some other technicality we can use to accelerate the process while still acting in a contractually ethical fashion, but that wasn't the case with them.
GPWA Executive Director, Casino City CEO, Friend to the Village Idiot
Resources for Affiliates:,,
i can't be arsed to argue the toss again about it, both you, i and everyone that followed the whole episode knows it was a farce. think we should both leave it there to be honest, won't do any of us dragging it on
although if I bring it up again when pissed please ignore and delete (im only half joking there as can't fully rule that out - for which I apologise in advance)
-Shay- (20 May 2015)
Contrary to all claims we the German people have a great sense of humor.
One more reason to read in forums.
We love to play cow dung roulette on lush meadows and bet on the field where we believe, the cow will drop the "ball".
Yes, a forum can be a very happy place.
Do you know, what is really the greatest fun?
Watching how people are talking over months about things, that are in reality only flashbangs.
Look at the so called "Hacker cases". words were written, but what is the heart of the matter?
Quite simply!
It is likely, that thousands if not ten thousands of new player accounts were opened (proven ... no doubt) by criminal activities! All these account were born by criminal origin!
Any objections?
I don't think so.
As a result all these player accounts are outside of law and order.
They are simply illegal and all contracts between player and casino are void and invalid, because there is no legal business or market in regular countries, where stuff or contracts -based on criminal activities- are valid.
And now we came to the laughing show:
Every illegal player account can be assigned and identified within minutes because the programs know exactly, which (hacking) webmaster accounts they closed -if all really did, what I don't believe-!
And now a simple question:
Why the programs are not closing all these illegal player accounts?
Do you believe dear reader, that only one of these illegal player accounts is closed?
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?
If you would ask the Queen's mirror, this is the answer:
Enjoy your apples.
Dear reader,
some programs are paying huge sums to big webmasters to come on their website or for positions.
No, not only extra revenue share or CPA.
Extra cash directly in the wallet behind the scene.
Really huge sums.
Have you ever thought of the fact that this extra money has to be paid by anyone else?
Especially when the investions can turn out to be a miss?
And who were the potential milking machine?
Correct. The small webmaster.
There is a reason for everything.
Also for quotas, term changes, account terminations and other strange actions.
Some programs focus on a fistful of big webmaster.
And pay thousands and thousands of $/Euro.
A dangerous tight-rope walk.
Because sometimes they buy a pig in a poke.
After the coffers are empty, it's easy to focus on the weakest link in the chain.
The art of raising funds.
This is no conspiracy theory. It's also casino affiliate business.
I took a day off today.
All pets became treats for two days.
In advance.
I lowered the blinds.
Dimmed the light.
Listening to Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" record.
To be completely undisturbed and relaxed.
So now I am ready to read all these hymns of praise, dedicated to Shay, who put so much time and work into the monthly payment threads without getting a paycheck from GPWA.
All these hymns, especially by the persons with most benefit.
Where can I find them?
-Shay- (10 November 2015)
"Today's Birthdays [...] letarg (106)"
0 Posts (
"letarg" (Polish) = "lethargy"
Nothing too much more to say through the frozen fingers taptaptapping on the typewriter keys.
Why it is allowed for a person who was proven involved in criminal activities to open a 2nd account here on GPWA and can continue as if nothing had happened?
Individual with the username clarah.etoro ( - last activity today! - is the same person as this team leader of affiliation (!) of a supspended GPWA sponsor with GPWA account clarar ( and was proven involved in criminal activities (cooperation with hackers).
-Shay- (21 January 2016)
She has a 3rd account!!!
It's also for the new eToro era!
Learn from the winners
"Occupation: Webmaster at" = An empty grave!
-Shay- (27 January 2016)
It's my personal freedom of choice and personal conviction that I will never work again with a program that tracks on the basis of Income Access.
Nonetheless, the existence of Shay in this forum is a step in the right direction, and I should like to express my admiration for his rapporteurs work, and in particular for the fact that he never forgot, that a man’s got to do what a man’s got to do, without reservations and without closing the eyes.
-Shay- (27 January 2016)
Congratulations Shay to your 2,000th thanks!
Yes, this is not so easy, because most new members only writes a few meaningless one-, two- or three-word posts to catch a signature link.
O.k., some continue with 1-2-3 during their complete membership over years...
But today is a happy day and so I will celebrate just everything.
Today is 1-2-3 day.
Everyone can write such a post, and I will raise the glass to it.
Write it in any variation you like.
Welcome to GPWA.
GPWA not welcome.
I am here.
Where are you?
Katja is happy.
Is Katja happy?
You see, philosophy can find a warm nest within 1-2-3.
But the biggest toast today goes to Shay ... for good posts.
Last edited by Roulette Zeitung; 11 August 2016 at 8:02 am.
Leopold, I am here!
Ok, few more words.
It's Friday, gonna drink beers this evening! Huuuurrrraaaaa!!!!![]()
-Shay- (12 August 2016), Roulette Zeitung (12 August 2016)
Hello Shay,
I as a German created a fistful of videos over the last years when Muse kissed me.
My lucid diary in the fun area of this forum comes closer to unbelievable 100,000 views.
With my millenium post there, that I will write when that mark is reached, I will donate all who were a part of my diary.
You have no portal website. So I think it is my duty to create now after so much years a short two minutes movie that you deserve.
You, a fabulous comrade and true patriot.
-Shay- (25 October 2016), Cash Bonus (19 December 2017)
Sometimes inspiration flows like a river.
It's already finished.
And for me personally it's my masterpiece.
A forum can be more than a nest of superficiality.
Daily madness and epic feelings can be the trigger to make more of it.
-Shay- (26 October 2016), Cash Bonus (19 December 2017)
We want Wix!
We want Wix!
We want Wix!
Not only the 99.56% return at Jacks or Better Videopoker is an argument!
Warmth in the heart also.
So, be sponsor here and I promise to give you a special, very warm and nice welcome post!
-Shay- (4 September 2017)
Roulette Zeitung (4 September 2017)
"Had to delete some emails again, as my inbox was full yet again."
Yes, you are a very sought-after person and as a result your mailbox is highly frequented.
This is the price you have to pay for being informal leader of the professorial department of GPWA and mentor of philosophical movement in this industry.
-Shay- (5 September 2017), Cash Bonus (19 December 2017)
This was really unexpected fast.
I always keep my promises.
So here is the welcome post:
-Shay- (5 September 2017)
Member focus
There are so many organisations, dedicated to help people, children, pets and whatsoever.
Some of them are nearly forgotten, but they are more important then ever before.
Despite the end of Cold War, 9 countries still have in total 15,000+ nuclear warheads.
USA, Russia, France, China, Great Britain, Pakistan, India, Israel and North Korea.
Also in Germany against the will of the German people there are still dozens of U.S. nuclear warheads at U.S. bases here.
What a madness!
I was for a long time specialist at German Air Force's NBC defence corps.
So I know everything about nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and NBC warfare.
Some things were so disgusting and shocking, that until today I am dreaming from time to time about it.
And if you believe, you and your children can live forever in peace and harmony, then this is unfortunately not the case.
Already 1962 during "Operation Fishbowl" USA ignited "Starfish Prime" to test the impact of EMP, an electromagnetic pulse, that will destroy everything, what we need to survive. Within some seconds every car, every electricity (with a few exceptions), everything that is "digital" will never work again and is useless forever. No internet, no banking, nothing, not even water, because also the pumps need electricity.
A huge H-Bomb in the atmosphere of a huge country like e.g. USA will lead to a mega EMP with all what I described and so to a total blackout. Within 30 minutes later the people in Europe also will break out in panic. 45 minutes later the same in Asia.
Social order does no longer exist. Immediately after U.S. blackout Israel will be attacked by neighbor states like Iran, and a wave of nuclear strikes by Israel will follow. 1 hour later Pakistan and India will exchange nuclear strikes.
If no one knows, who ignited the EMP bomb over USA, the President can only guess if it was a terrorist plot, Russia, China or North Korea. On his Doomsday Plane, he has only short time to react. China and Russia will only launch their missiles if they will be attacked.
You see, one single EMP bomb "far away" in the atmosphere is enough. Then everything is over.
So, and what does this have to do with helpful organisations?
Because there is one organisation, you should care about and talk about their existance.
Even in my old city where I lived, my dermatologist, she was part of this marvelous and so important organisation:
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
-Shay- (11 September 2017)