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Cash Bonus (17 December 2017), PromoteCasino (17 November 2017), Roulette Zeitung (17 November 2017)
Thanks mate ... its incredible how many confusion occurred. It seems they AM´s have no insight of company policy or Sara you should work on you PR/Communication skills ...
Btw. i send traffic only via 3th party networks on CPA base to Lapalingo. In the end i don't trust them.
-Shay- (17 November 2017), Roulette Zeitung (17 November 2017), Triple7 (17 November 2017)
Uhmm... before everything was about "responsible gaming" and now it seems to be 'just' something to act against fraud, what also means that CPA will not be paid even if clearly there's not any trace of fraud.
If a player deposit € 3.050 that's not my cousin who's putting € 10 to get € 100 CPA.
-Shay- (17 November 2017), celena (20 November 2017), Roulette Zeitung (17 November 2017)
The CPA won't be paid if the player self-excludes within 30 days.
I am here to help if you have any issues with an affiliate program.
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Cash Bonus (17 December 2017), Roulette Zeitung (17 November 2017)
I needed now two large cups of hot cocoa with a big mountain of whipped cream to recover from reading all posts in this thread from the beginning to the end.
My summery and opinion:
Yes, calling grandma and all ex-girlfriends with the old green GDR rotary-dial telephone and order them to make a 10 Euro deposits to catch $200 CPA for each and every of them, this is bad.
We all know, that the odds with 3,000+ online casinos on the air, the odds are very low, that a player will make a self-exclusion at Lapalingo, there of all casinos.
Most players, if they are unlucky, they just change the casino. A self-exclusion is the last step, right before committing suicide or when they have stolen so much money, that they will be put behind bars shortly. Sad, but the truth.
That means, no one will ever start a self-exclusion with a deposit of 10 Euro, because not even a mentally ill idiot claims, that the loss of 10 or 20 Euro is such a catastrophe, that a self-exclusion is imminent. When people start a self-exclusion, then they have lost more than a fistful of Euros, thousands and thousands, if not more. Before they made a lot of deposits.
And no player starts a self-exclusion after his first deposit.
This is simply insane and a for me as an operator a clear sign of CPA fraud.
So the odds, that a self-exclusion after a first (!!!) deposit is real, are close to Zero.
This is with high probability a CPA fraud and nothing else.
My suggestion to Lapalingo:
Every self-exclusion after a first deposit is a clear signal for CPA fraud, and the CPA should not be paid.
Every self-exclusion after several deposits within the first 30 days, that in total does not exceed 50 Euro, is also a clear signal for CPA fraud, and the CPA should not be paid.
Every self-exclusion after deposits with a total of minimum 150 Euro has no consequences for the webmaster. The CPA should be paid.
This would be fair and balanced ... and it would also be no wishy-washy.
I'm not sure I agree with all of that. I do 100% agree that affiliates should not get paid CPA on fraudulent traffic. The proposal you've made, Leopold, essentially puts a 150 Euro, 30 day trigger on the CPA.
If the intent is to refuse affiliate CPA payment in cases of fraud, that is fine. I'm not sure that self-exclusion should be in the working definition of fraud though. I think it was Renee who mentioned that players unintentionally use self-exclude as a way by which to close their account. If this happens, I could see someone depositing once or twice, deciding "the casino is ****", and pushing the self-exclude button intending to close the account but not realizing this is not a proper way to close the account. For me, this comes down to the casino finding a way to not pay out on someone who has not given the casino the opportunity to make back the CPA amount paid but trying to spin it in a socially responsible manner.
I could see value in a policy that states "if a player charges back within the first 30 days of play, this is considered player fraud and the CPA will be recaptured as a result of the charge back".
Renee (19 November 2017), Roulette Zeitung (17 November 2017), Triple7 (17 November 2017)
How many Players use the "self-excludes option" 2 of 100 ?
I dont see any reason why the "fraud" player have to use the se option...
Btw here are 2 ways to reduce the Cpa-Fraud:
1.Cpa deals only for old affiliates.
2.Cpa with a Tier system,splitted on 2-3 deposits.
At the end are booth deals on Lapalingo Rev&Cpa nothing else than a way to shave affiliates...
Last edited by Progger; 17 November 2017 at 3:15 pm.
I don't know exactly how many, but what I've understood from some casino owners and representatives is that's used also by angry players after a bad streak. Especially in the UK.
But I agree completely with you. A fraud player can deposit just € 10 and stop depositing. There's no need to use the self-exclusion option. Also, Lapalingo can conclude easily that a player depositing (and losing) € 3.000 was not a friend that was depositing some money to get a € 200 CPA.
To me also the way how they try to sell this action says enough. First, it was for responsible gaming. That was not taken here. It didn't make sense either, as they aren't giving back the deposit. So now it's suddenly against fraud. While it would be more effective to be a bit more selective in who they're giving CPA-deals, giving a higher turnover and the tier-system...
I also remember they entered here as a sponsor with the announcement that there was no limitation on the time of earning, while shortly after that a good reader found out that it's a year.
Last edited by Triple7; 17 November 2017 at 3:04 pm.
-Shay- (17 November 2017)
Roulette Zeitung (20 November 2017), Triple7 (17 November 2017)
Earnings Time Limited: No
The Affiliate Partner receives for each new customer, from the date of registration, a claim on the provision for one year.
Some months later...
But no answer from Sara...
Another case of an operator using regulation to screw affiliates. (Like Sky, Foxy, Sun)
5-10% of players will self exclude. Some will be because they have gambling problems. Some will be because they have had a bad run. Some will do it accidentally. It's part of the business model. They are also able to open their account again AFTER 6 months. Are lapalingo going to ensure the CPA is then validated?
SE should have absolutely no impact on whether a CPA is paid or not.
All this is is Lapalingo lowering their CPA's by 5-10%.
Quite frankly, it's disgusting. They'd be better taking an honest approach, looking at the self exclude rate and openly reducing CPA and telling affiliates that the ROI has gone down and in order to maintain the relationship this reduction is necessary.
Using regulation to create an excuse for scrubs is shocking.
-Shay- (17 November 2017), eenzoo (20 November 2017), Roulette Zeitung (14 February 2018), Triple7 (17 November 2017)
"5-10% of players will self exclude."
But not in one specific casino.
This is an empiric [and also mathematically] fallacy!
Think about that when you go to bed today.
Turn of the TV, ask your wife, she may be silent and then use the darkness as a tool for new horizons.
This case is a textbook example of lack of communication, which ended in a disaster.
To be fair, the trigger for this disaster are some scallywags who believe, the programs are filled with complete idiots, who do nothing against CPA fraudsters.
And now, there is a lose-lose situation for both sides, the program and the honest affiliates, because of CPA fraudsters. This is also part of the truth obviously.
I would have no problem with making all these fraudsters public, with names and everything.
And I do not believe, if one programs starts this anti-fraud operation, that the honest webmasters will yell against it, because they also suffer under those criminals as you can see with this case.
You should not only be one-sighted. If there is a group of people, who are milking programs illegaly, then no one should wonder, if there is a reaction. In this case, it was not very professional and very bad communicated, but this does not change the fact, that in this case criminal webmasters are the trigger for all of this and no one else.
And after observing this industry for decades now, I am highly convinced, that with some exception, round about 30 people maximum, there is something wrong with the people in this industry ... on both sides.
This insanity scares me and also my wife, my dogs and my cats when I read them posts and stories directly here from the forum.
So, and now we have had all our opinions, and we will wait for the representative of Lapalingo with a final statement, hopefully no wishy-washy. If it is straight and honest, then I support that, because Sara also deserves the chance to take a breath, right?
Yes, because she is no Alex, Fernanda, Betway Mobster or an Income Access clown!
So give her a chance!
Good night!
-Shay- (17 November 2017), celena (20 November 2017), PromoteCasino (18 November 2017)
Hi Progger, Triple7 and Shay,
appologiez for the delayd response.
Please let me confirm that this is correct, as per our t&cs the player is still tagged to the affiliate for one year, which was communicated in earlier threads!
Please also note that our affiliates get in touch with us for a customized life time rs set up, which is done upon reevaluation of the affiliate´s traffic.
Cash Bonus (6 January 2018)
Good morning Broadway_Simon,
thank you for your input.
Let me once again ensure that we act in transparent and serious manner.
You would be surprised by the rate of SE within the short period of time is quite high within the industry, hence we take these precautions to protect us from fraudulent behaiviour, all other methods are being implemented too. Also to comment on your question regarding the SE and new sign up after 6 months, we set it up in the system the block so the affected player can´t do this again not after 6 months nor later.
Cash Bonus (6 January 2018)
Good morning Leopold,
and thank you very much for your supporting words.
I completely agree that there are way too many dodgy people in this industry and we all fight with the fraud and try to filter this industry. I do work closely with our good partners/affiliates to enhance this and filter the fraudulent affiliates. And yes I have to agree with few of you above that I do give good and generous deals to our affiliates but in the end it is all based on trust and good partnership so if there is anything fraudulent monitored we fight it and stop it.
In regards to the new regulation, as mentioned in the email and various times in this thread, if you happen to be affected by this new regulation and you are sure that there was nothing fraudulent about your traffic, please contact me and we revise it together, we look closer into the scenario and solve it fairly among all three parties.
Once again apologies for any confusion caused and thanks to Anthony by helping to clarify this matter.
Please feel free to contact me directly, you can find my details in my account, and I am sure we can solve any issue commonly.
Cash Bonus (6 January 2018)
-Shay- (20 November 2017), Progger (20 November 2017), PromoteCasino (20 November 2017), Roulette Zeitung (20 November 2017)
I really tried everything to make clear, what a communication champion can do better.
One chance, two , three ...
Sorry, but for me it doesn't make sense anymore.
Now I read something, while scrolling up and down, that the holy grail, the revenue share, is limited to one year and longer only for the better people or something like that?
Probably I have misread some of the stuff here.
As you know, I am not the youngest anymore.
However, my battery is empty in this matter.
-Shay- (20 November 2017), Cash Bonus (6 January 2018), Triple7 (20 November 2017)