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  1. #1
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    Default GPWA Sponsors ROGUED at Affiliate Guard Dog !

    The following programs have chosen to continue to work with criminals, hackers :

    Fortune Affiliates (microgaming ! Ecogra ??)
    Winner Affiliates

    All these Sponser programs use unethical methods of promotion and violate the law by paying hackers and should be removed from the GPWA list.

    All are in breach of the GPWA code of conduct :

    1. Lawful Business Conduct and Regulatory Compliance

      Sponsor agrees that both Sponsor and the companies Sponsor represents (collectively “Sponsor Companies”) will abide by all laws, regulations, and applicable license requirements of the jurisdictions within which they operate. If licenses are required to conduct the business of the Sponsor Companies within said jurisdictions, then the Sponsor agrees to provide evidence of said licenses upon request.
    2. Responsible Promotion and Procedures

      Sponsor Companies will be truthful in all promotions and publish only accurate information about their operations. Any rules and registration procedures affecting affiliates or the public will be made publicly available by the Sponsor Companies. Sponsor Companies will not use unethical methods of promotion either directly or indirectly through others.

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    Last edited by -Shay-; 15 November 2014 at 12:15 pm.

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    Roulette Zeitung is offline Public Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GCG View Post
    The following programs have chosen to continue to work with criminals, hackers :




    All these Sponser programs [...] violate the law by paying hackers
    One moment please!
    Avoid the hasty conclusion!
    Where are the proofs?
    Current (!!!) screenshots (!)?

    Europartners was one of the very first programs, that terminated the cooperation with the hacker more than 2 months ago!

    7. September 2014

    Hi Antihacker,

    As of Friday we have asked the Affiliate to please remove our brands from his site and we have given him notice that we will be ending our partnership with him due to his unethical behavior. I hope he will remove our brands within the next few days but either way his account will be shut down on our end.


    After that action I have never seen any Europartners banners of any victims website again!

    And it's easy to see, why:

    Dear reader,

    search with Google for

    ?p=online casino europa casino


    You'll see some links with the criminal code (?p=online casino) and old (!) snippets with "Europa Casino".

    Click on any of these links. For me the criminal list does not show Europa Casino since more than 2 months!

    Here is an victim example link - See yourself:

    Some people should relax the nerves and think twice before writing utter nonsense without any proofs in the internet.

    It's not my fault, that Affiliate Guard Dog have no other chance to stop calling AffEurope a main sponsor. AffEurope, a program, that is proven an accomplice of crime and still (!!!) on any victims list.

    Also Anthony have confirmed that they still want to go the wrong way:

    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony
    working with the hacker [...] programs that have not taken action are, AffEurope and AffPower

    AffEurope and AffPower banner are still on the criminal casino list, they are now ... in this moment (!!!) still on the criminal list.

    I can click on as many victim websites via Google as I want. There is no Europartners banner on it. And there is still the official statement from Miss Becker. If you want to call her to be a liar, then you have to prove it with actual facts. I repeat: Facts! An old (?) referral link, the only thing posted by AGD, is no evidence, it's worth nothing, because this referral link can be copied 7, 8 or more weeks ago by any person from this industry!

    By the way: Investigations are not a Kindergarten game, and in court hearsay evidence is inadmissible ... with good reason.

    My way of investigations are easily comprehensible!


    So I am awaiting real evidence!

    I can't speak for the other casinos, because I don't know if they have wrote statements or not.


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  7. #4
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    It looks to me that this was done in a way that is incumbent on the programs to help AGD settle the matter. EP was asked and sent multiple notifications and AGD was met with only silence.

    I don't feel AGD should be expected to read a two month old post at GPWA. Or any posts at another forum. Or do a full out investigation. I don't know why EP wouldn't just reply, it was a clear request and I applaud AGD has made a stand. I'm sure no one has time to chase these things or wait indefinitely.


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    Roulette Zeitung is offline Public Member
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    Some of you should really try to read a good book from time to time instead writing utter nonsense in the internt.

    "EP was asked and sent multiple notifications and AGD was met with only silence."
    "multiple notifications"

    Only one post with a very short time frame!


    What you see there in this thread is absolute nonsense!


    The only thing Affiliate Guard Dog presents is a part of an referral link. That's all!

    I have written the "worth" in my first post here in this thread:

    If you want to call her to be a liar, then you have to prove it with actual facts. I repeat: Facts! An old (?) referral link, the only thing posted by AGD, is no evidence, it's worth nothing, because this referral link can be copied 7, 8 or more weeks ago by any person from this industry!
    His main sponsor AffEurope failed and is proven a real accomplice of crime. Now the nerves are raw, and throwing dirt without any proofs (!) is the order of the day?

    I ask again, and I ask you, mojo:

    Where are the proofs, the screenshots!
    Mojo ... where!?

    You have to show me proofs, or CGC and you (!) mojo, also the other claqueurs, who don't care about law and order, are accomplice of crime. This is a simple fact. We call that crime in Germany
    "falsely accusing of crime". This is a fact, because a public statement of Miss Becker exist and AGD is writing "Euro Partners have been ROGUED for working with spammers and hackers", and this change everything -also for your personal situation!

    "I don't feel AGD should be expected to read a two month old post at GPWA."

    This is really the biggest nonsense I have read since a long time! Not reading existing (!) information and facts is a valid excuse for accusing someone of crime without any proofs? You have really a great understanding of the law!

    AGD is writing "Euro Partners have been ROGUED for working with spammers and hackers"

    What he and you and CGC are doing is a crime, because this unproven statement is falsely accusing of crime, and you mojo and CGC are an active part of it!


    "I don't know why EP wouldn't just reply"

    No one with backbone would answer at a place, where only dirt is thrown at you -partially completely extraneous- since years. Would you, dear reader? I never! Moreover: There is no duty to answer on Affiliate Guard Dog, and as long as a real criminal program (Club Gold) is still main sponsor of AGD, this forum is for sure no ethical model or a moral guardian.

    Yes mojo, Club Gold! You remember? The case you failed (in a very interesting way | 1+1=2!) and I was right in the long run with Club Gold as everyone knows today!

    By the way: The "good guys" from AffEurope disappeared as a main sponsor, also because I (!!!) opened a thread there. I don't know, if otherwise no word have been spoken there about AffEurope ...

    Oh, to come back reading books ...

    AGD is working in this case without proofs but forcing proofs?

    AGD: "Please send proof that the following affiliate hacker's account is banned"

    Very interesting if you think twice about that. There is no question, that Europartners must not allow immediate inspection of all his records by any strangers. This industry is no madhouse. So I will give you a similar question:

    "Please sent proof that you have spoken with God yesterday"

    People from audience, who have read some books in their life, will understand...

    "I applaud AGD has made a stand."

    A "stand" based only on a perhaps 2 or 3 months old referral link, without any proofs, no screenshots, based on old ressentiment, hearsay, thrown dirt, based on the anger to lose the main sponsor AffEurope, based on raw nerves ... ?

    You can applaud, mojo ... but then you have to show me the proofs or you are also guilty of false accusing of a crime, because -under the view of law- a public statement in the internet is the same as the spoken or written word.
    So mojo, where are the proofs?
    Show me!



  10. #6
    GCG is offline Public Member
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    One moment please!
    Avoid the hasty conclusion!
    Where are the proofs?
    Current (!!!) screenshots (!)?

    Europartners was one of the very first programs, that terminated the cooperation with the hacker more than 2 months ago!
    RZ I do not know what you have been eating but before we post something, proper research was made by others and AGD.


    click on the UK/EU flag and voila !


    so now what do you have to say to discredit us?

    IMO YOU should read the posts properly on AGD before attacking members and calling them criminals, I do not like your personality, attitude nor your way of thinking and how you express yourself at all to say the least.

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  12. #7
    Caruso is offline Public Member
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    Roulette Zeitung, what is your dog in this fight? I know nothing about the issue nor, for that matter, the programmes involved apart from Fortune Lounge. But that's a pretty vicious, extended defence.

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  14. #8
    Roulette Zeitung is offline Public Member
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    The following brands are on the 2nd list,:

    7 Royal
    7 Sultans Casino
    888 Casino
    Carnival Casino
    Casino Fiz
    Casino Las Vegas
    Club Dice
    Cosmik Casino
    Deuce Club Casino
    Europa Casino
    Euro Palace
    Grand Casino
    Grand Parker Casino
    Las Vegas USA
    Loco Panda Casino
    Major Tom Casino
    On Bling Casino
    Platinum Play
    Play2Win Casino
    Royal Vegas
    Supreme Play Casino
    Red Flush Casino
    Titan Casino
    Tradition Casino
    Vegas Days Casino
    Vegas Palms
    Winner Casino


    "I know nothing about the issue"

    No comment.

    "so now what do you have to say to discredit us?"

    It's only a clue and no evidence!

    Three simple arguments bring back logic into this case!

    1. Affiliate programs don't know, which sites their affiliates are using ... all the sites. It's no secret, that the hacker tries to open new accounts and perhaps under new names to make money again. It's impossible for a program to know, if a new webmaster is the hacker -especially not, if he have e.g. a (only-for-the show) "normal" website open that looks serious.

    2. It's just ridiculous to hide these information -as you did and later (!!!) say: "Look, the programs are evil!" It was your duty to give all programs an information in their official threads here as e.g. @Antihacker did that they can act again ... as e.g. Europartners did immediately in the past. Do you know, that with your hiding you have played into the hand of the hacker? Time is his advantage.

    3. If you would take a closer look to your "proof" before writing a post, then you will see funny things. Things, that demonstrate, that at least Europartners is anything but a general "friend" of the hacker and that perhaps the whole list can be called into question with nearly all casinos on the list.

    The link you posted:

    American Flag:

    Place 4: Titan Casino = Europartners Brand
    But the link goes to
    And Begoda Casino is an AffActive Brand!

    I didn't check all the casinos, because other things are more important (Argument 1 and 2)!

    And the most important thing is, that the origin of the new list is

    and I am sure, you have seen this 2nd list before (!) 15. November 2014.


    "I do not like your personality, attitude nor your way of thinking and how you express yourself at all to say the least."

    What you are thinking about me, don't concern me in the least. For me other people are more important, players, some program employees and representatives I work with and not work with and small webmaster with character.



    No word about exist on GPWA before this post was written! You have posted a link, CGC. You own statement is, that you clicked on the flags. That proofs, that you was informed about, because even a blind can see, that all links under the flags are going to!

    Instead of warning the programs and community here on GPWA, the most important place of the industry, warning of the source as many decent members of GPWA did it with to help people and programs as I also did it with, you are only yelling and yelling in other threads in a generalizing way but at the same time you are hiding important information that would help the whole industry. Later you accuse programs that are on the new list, programs who perhaps don't know, that they will be abused again (Argument 1).

    Sorry, but this is a dirty game, egocentric, revealing oneself, simply two-faced, because n
    o program can be accused of a crime, it a program doesn't know, that his brands will be abused again, and here on GPWA is the real home of e.g. Europartners and nowhere else!

    Last edited by Roulette Zeitung; 16 November 2014 at 10:41 am.

  15. #9
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    It's really very simple. All Euro Partners has to do is show proof to Guard Dog that the account is closed. Andy is very reasonable and I would guess he would move them out of the rogue pit after they prove the account is closed.

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  17. #10
    Roulette Zeitung is offline Public Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pdjoe View Post
    It's really very simple. All Euro Partners has to do is show proof to Guard Dog that the account is closed. Andy is very reasonable and I would guess he would move them out of the rogue pit after they prove the account is closed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Roulette Zeitung
    Very interesting if you think twice about that. There is no question, that Europartners must not allow immediate inspection of all his records by any strangers. This industry is no madhouse. So I will give you a similar question:

    "Please sent proof that you have spoken with God yesterday"
    Quote Originally Posted by Roulette Zeitung
    There is no duty to answer on Affiliate Guard Dog, and as long as a real criminal program (Club Gold) is still main sponsor of AGD, this forum is for sure no ethical model or a moral guardian.
    If a forum owner -not a member- is accusing in public a program of a crime with the headline "Euro Partners have been ROGUED for working with spammers and hackers - against the affiliate community." - I repeat "working with [...] hackers" = A serious crime! - together with other programs in the same style, then the burden of proof lies on AGD and not on the programs!

    We are not living in North Korea!

    Last edited by Roulette Zeitung; 16 November 2014 at 11:21 am.

  18. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by GCG View Post
    RZ I do not know what you have been eating but before we post something, proper research was made by others and AGD.


    click on the UK/EU flag and voila !


    so now what do you have to say to discredit us?

    IMO YOU should read the posts properly on AGD before attacking members and calling them criminals, I do not like your personality, attitude nor your way of thinking and how you express yourself at all to say the least.
    I'm not sure why RZ is screaming at the top of his lungs at us. Perhaps he should talk to Andy at AGD directly.

    The banner from that site for Europa (when clicked it goes directly to Europa Casino) has the same tag as the one in Guard Dogs post. It's simply a matter for EP to address that they have so far not done.

    Perhaps if more action like this was taken we wouldn't have to argue about it. Clearly, if EP had addressed it we wouldn't be here. Applauds to AGD.

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    Sitting in front of an open fire on long winter evening
    Fireside chat with family

    "Do you remember the years 2013-2015? What happened on GPWA? This immense mental horizon made some people a brilliant and sharp-witted observer of his time. Without that people the industry were so boring, so complicated. It was the time, these inspiring people didn't care about law and failed to dissolve old resentments. Withholding important information and singing the same song like the little bird of wood in a cuckoo clock was preached at that time. They played sometimes reversal-of-the-burden-of-proof-games. Out of sheer anticipation and excitement they lost the library card, but the heck with it! Oh yes, I miss that time. Let us chop wood again tomorrow, kindle a fire in the fireplace and feel the crackling warmth of the flames."


  21. #13
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    I have a couple of statements to make below, but will point a few things out first I was made aware of this post recently and (no offense) haven't read the forums here in a very long time.

    1. Any program that responds is given more time. I make every effort at contact and every effort to work with anyone. Most know me as being that way. (although, admittedly, I can work at a snails pace at times)

    2. This is NOT about GPWA sponsors (hate that the title appears this way)

    --- NOW ---

    While some may not agree with our efforts, I believe good is being done. I will change some content that RZ does not like to the following less inflammatory statement:

    Program_xyz have been ROGUED for working (knowingly or unknowingly) with spammers and hackers.

    That lets them off the hook, anyway. But I still think if they are unwilling to remove an account of a known hacker - that makes them complicit in the damage caused to multiple affiliates in the industry (likely everyone at GPWA and AGD since this hacker stole content from nearly every affiliate site out there).

    --- Sponsors ---

    I have removed many sponsors when they are no longer playing by the rules of AGD sponsorship. Aff Europe was recent, yes, and I have been unable to reach them as of yet. once I do, it will be more formal. Sorry for the delay

    Club Gold - They have been outstanding since sponsorship, I'm missing something there. There was a Gold Club that was a massive spammer recruiter - but it was not these folks.

    Final Statement:

    I'm not going to be pushed around by loud voices. Whoever yells the loudest is the weakest voice to me. I prefer the calm and constructive. I'm not planning on further comments on this topic. If anyone wants to talk it over calmly, you can have a conversation at AGD or send me an email to: Andy at the AGD domain.

    Affiliate Guard Dog

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  23. #14
    EP Relations is offline Sponsor Affiliate Program
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    Hi Andy,

    This is the first I am hearing about the post on AGD. I did not get any notification from AGD about this but in the past I have been contacted directly via email with any Affiliate concerns. Now about this specific matter, this is the first I am hearing about this particular Affiliate. I have already started to look into this matter and I hope to have a resolution today. As you know we take these situations very seriously, recently we closed an Affiliate account of once we had proof of illegal promoting. At first glance this looks like a very different Affiliate and I am investigating this with the account manager and will take care of this as soon as we can.

    The Euro Partners Team

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    Quote Originally Posted by EP Relations View Post
    Hi Andy,

    This is the first I am hearing about the post on AGD. I did not get any notification from AGD about this but in the past I have been contacted directly via email with any Affiliate concerns. Now about this specific matter, this is the first I am hearing about this particular Affiliate. I have already started to look into this matter and I hope to have a resolution today. As you know we take these situations very seriously, recently we closed an Affiliate account of once we had proof of illegal promoting. At first glance this looks like a very different Affiliate and I am investigating this with the account manager and will take care of this as soon as we can.

    "This is the first I am hearing about the post on AGD."

    And If I have Europartners not given a tip in their GPWA area (, they perhaps will never know. That speak volumes.


    Affiliate Guard Dog

    "!Program_xyz have been ROGUED for working (knowingly or unknowingly) with spammers and hackers."

    "(knowingly or unknowingly)"

    This is a very big difference and shows, that there was never a real evidence that would be upheld by the courts or by ethical standards.

    The casino industry shall not act as a Wild-West show. Governments have taken the form of attempts to tighten up laws in order to prevent unlawful behavior in this industry.

    Moreover: If someone is working "unknowingly" with spammers and hackers, then he is innocent and can't be stigmatised as "rogue", because perpetrators is unknown in this case. So "!Program_xyz have been ROGUED for working (knowingly or unknowingly) with spammers and hackers." is a paradoxon, and I am sure, the unknown perpetrators would be confirmed by any court.

    Unknown perpetrators?


    If you sell guns quite legally in your store, and a purchaser is robbing later a bank with the gun, then the seller is innocent and no one would come to the idea to accuse him of a crime!

    If you offer advertising to webmasters and a webmaster is using your brands for illegally activities, without your complicity or knowledge, then you can't be sentenced for the webmaster's activities.

    Accusing people or programs public in the internet -as it happened here in this thread and on Affiliate Guard Dog- to work with hackers is accusing people and programs of a serious crime. There is nothing to make fun of it, nothing that can be taken rather too lightly.

    If you work together with hackers, you can be sentenced to 5 years in jail or more in Germany. It is absurd and actually contradicts the principle of a prudent legal situation to accuse someone of a crime and building in a reversal of the burden of proof here.

    Complicity or knowledge:

    If I am right informed, at least Europartners is no member, no sponsor of Affiliate Guard Dog and there is no contract covering communication. So there is no obligation for (at least) Europartners to read at Affiliate Guard Dog or answer anything.

    On the contrary: The owner of a forum is obliged to show evidence for any criminal accusation if this accusation is public.

    The existence of the new casino list, the accusation based on- (, that important information was withheld by the thread starter and also by Affiliate Guard Dog. Posting a part of a referral link from on Affiliate Guard Dog proofs that. No good job, and a lawyer could say regarding at least the GPWA thread starter: "It looks like a trap."


    The accused programs have had no chance to act because the source of evil ( was unknown for the programs. It's an unknown perpetrators, and at least Europartners is innocent. If not, then law standards are no longer valid in this industry.

    All other points in this post are a also sober reflection of law.

    My first analysis about is here:

    Last edited by Roulette Zeitung; 17 November 2014 at 5:13 am.

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    Just a quick update. We have located the Affiliate and we have sent a strict notice to remove our brands and to stop his illegal activity with any of our brands. I will keep you posted on the progress. Have a good night.

    The Euro Partners Team

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    Quote Originally Posted by EP Relations View Post
    Just a quick update. We have located the Affiliate and we have sent a strict notice to remove our brands and to stop his illegal activity with any of our brands. I will keep you posted on the progress. Have a good night.

    Applause for addressing this issue publicly, quickly, and in no uncertain terms.

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    Quote Originally Posted by -Shay- View Post
    Applause for addressing this issue publicly, quickly, and in no uncertain terms.
    You're absolutely correct, Shay!

    My opinion is, that now it's time for @CGC, @mojo and @pdjoe, if they don't want to lose last spark of decency and morality, to apologize to Miss Becker or to be forever silent if the word "Europartners" will be written in the future anywhere in the internet.

    As you can see: Miss Becker is reading and writing here. Still "strong" with the mouth? Now you can show courage or not.

    Don't talk with me. Talk with her, because she's the hero of the day!

    And there is no way around for Affiliate Guard Dog to remove on Affiliate Guard Dog all bad rap regarding Europartners and remove any statement or thread including the words "working with spammers and hackers" or any other false accusation of crime that are associated with Europartners because of proven innocence!


  31. #19
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    We don't want to jump to conclusions about a program if there is a listing on a hacked site. Several programs that have terminated there relationship with the hacker. However, the hacker has opened new accounts and has been slow to remove his listings. There are many people working on disrupting the activities of the hacker and notifying programs of his unethical behavior. We should work on better coordinating efforts and sharing information so we have a clearer picture of the actions of these affected programs. I will connect with Andy and will have a new update with the affiliate tracking codes being used on the current hacked listings.
    I am here to help if you have any issues with an affiliate program.
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  33. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roulette Zeitung View Post
    The following brands are on the 2nd list,:

    7 Royal
    7 Sultans Casino
    888 Casino
    Carnival Casino
    Casino Fiz
    Casino Las Vegas
    Club Dice
    Cosmik Casino
    Deuce Club Casino
    Europa Casino
    Euro Palace
    Grand Casino
    Grand Parker Casino
    Las Vegas USA
    Loco Panda Casino
    Major Tom Casino
    On Bling Casino
    Platinum Play
    Play2Win Casino
    Royal Vegas
    Supreme Play Casino
    Red Flush Casino
    Titan Casino
    Tradition Casino
    Vegas Days Casino
    Vegas Palms
    Winner Casino


    "I know nothing about the issue"

    No comment.

    "so now what do you have to say to discredit us?"

    It's only a clue and no evidence!

    Three simple arguments bring back logic into this case!

    1. Affiliate programs don't know, which sites their affiliates are using ... all the sites. It's no secret, that the hacker tries to open new accounts and perhaps under new names to make money again. It's impossible for a program to know, if a new webmaster is the hacker -especially not, if he have e.g. a (only-for-the show) "normal" website open that looks serious.

    2. It's just ridiculous to hide these information -as you did and later (!!!) say: "Look, the programs are evil!" It was your duty to give all programs an information in their official threads here as e.g. @Antihacker did that they can act again ... as e.g. Europartners did immediately in the past. Do you know, that with your hiding you have played into the hand of the hacker? Time is his advantage.

    3. If you would take a closer look to your "proof" before writing a post, then you will see funny things. Things, that demonstrate, that at least Europartners is anything but a general "friend" of the hacker and that perhaps the whole list can be called into question with nearly all casinos on the list.

    The link you posted:

    American Flag:

    Place 4: Titan Casino = Europartners Brand
    But the link goes to
    And Begoda Casino is an AffActive Brand!

    I didn't check all the casinos, because other things are more important (Argument 1 and 2)!

    And the most important thing is, that the origin of the new list is

    and I am sure, you have seen this 2nd list before (!) 15. November 2014.


    "I do not like your personality, attitude nor your way of thinking and how you express yourself at all to say the least."

    What you are thinking about me, don't concern me in the least. For me other people are more important, players, some program employees and representatives I work with and not work with and small webmaster with character.



    No word about exist on GPWA before this post was written! You have posted a link, CGC. You own statement is, that you clicked on the flags. That proofs, that you was informed about, because even a blind can see, that all links under the flags are going to!

    Instead of warning the programs and community here on GPWA, the most important place of the industry, warning of the source as many decent members of GPWA did it with to help people and programs as I also did it with, you are only yelling and yelling in other threads in a generalizing way but at the same time you are hiding important information that would help the whole industry. Later you accuse programs that are on the new list, programs who perhaps don't know, that they will be abused again (Argument 1).

    Sorry, but this is a dirty game, egocentric, revealing oneself, simply two-faced, because n
    o program can be accused of a crime, it a program doesn't know, that his brands will be abused again, and here on GPWA is the real home of e.g. Europartners and nowhere else!

    Here is Leopold's list with the affiliate tracking URL's:

    7 Regal - xx el=DEFAULT&zone=52254897&lp=52254893
    7 Sultans Casino - xx
    888 Casino - xx
    Carnival Casino - xx
    Casino Fiz - xx
    Casino Las Vegas - xx
    Club Dice - xx
    Cosmik Casino - xx
    Deuce Club Casino - xx
    Europa Casino - xx OTQ%3D
    Euro Palace - xx
    Grand Casino - xx
    Grand Parker Casino - xx
    Las Vegas USA - xx annerID=0
    Loco Panda Casino - xx - additional account xx
    Major Tom Casino - xx
    On Bling Casino - xx
    Platinum Play - xx
    Play2Win Casino - xx
    Royal Vegas - xx
    Scasino - xx
    Supreme Play Casino - xx
    Red Flush Casino - xx
    Titan Casino - xx
    Tradition Casino - xx
    Vegas Days Casino - xx
    Vegas Palms - xx
    Winner Casino - xx el=DEFAULT&zone=53928942&lp=0
    Winpalace - xx
    I am here to help if you have any issues with an affiliate program.
    Become involved in GPWA to truly make the association your own:
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  34. The Following User Says Thank You to Anthony For This Useful Post:

    Roulette Zeitung (17 November 2014)

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