-Shay- (30 January 2015), MrBinaryAff (30 April 2015)
Ok - you are the boss ...
29. January 2015
Source: https://www.cpcamcctv.com/forum/current-c...tml#post778312
No reaction from any GPWA staff including super moderators, no reaction, not even an allergic one.
It speaks volumes.
By the way: The GPWA = Casino City promotion of the criminal casinos is still active, and also the Serbian big player who was / will be / protected here and have had in the public here on GPWA (!) a big mouth with investigation the case, is still promoting both criminal casinos from AffPower.
Now think twice and compute 1 + 1.
Sometimes it's not so important, what people are saying.
Sometimes it's more important to see, who says nothing to which topics.
-Shay- (24 February 2015)
Michael met with Affpower in London and had a positive meeting. When he went over the details with them in more depth in person, there was an agreement to cooperate with respect to specific affiliate id's we report to them showing a hacked site utilizing that affiliate id. So there has been progress on the Affpower front.
Please let's keep this thread on track. Arguing about non-related items takes away from the important issues of this thread.
I am here to help if you have any issues with an affiliate program.
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-Shay- (24 February 2015), Roulette Zeitung (24 February 2015)
Off topic posts have been removed.
-Shay- (24 February 2015)
No I stay to my view and opinion, it is censorship and nothing else.
Really good forums are smart in handling discussions.
They will not simply delete posts and have fun in doing that or feel strong in doing that.
It's a sign of weakness, because handling these things take time, but GPWA writers are only morons and their work (posts) are handled like toys, but without these toys this forum would be complete unimportant and the staff, every member of the staff!, would earn ZERO cent.
Some from GPWA obviously have forgotten that and are very arrogant in external presentation.
In the last 15 years I have never seen a casino or casino affiliate forum with so heavy censorship like GPWA for what happened the last 18 months, and I have watched more than 20 forums worldwide.
There was enough time ... weeks! ... to say something to the AffPower promotion, that is in also topic of this thread.
No word.
Until yesterday when Anthony replied.
As the only person from GPWA!
The only!!!
So my question to you: Why you have not replied as an official GPWA staff to my issue from 29. January 2015?
If investing the time in deleting = censoring posts instead of splitting the thread and reply to the issue is the only action and answer to that AffPower brand Casino City promotion issue, then this is also an answer to the audience and not my problem.
And I am really very angry, that you also censored my good and positive words for Carmel, the best male representative in the industry. This was a very, very ugly and bad action!
Feel free to censor this post. In this case I will make a copy of it in my diary to prove, that within 24 hours half a dozen posts were deleted from this forum.
Last edited by Roulette Zeitung; 25 February 2015 at 5:17 am.
MrBinaryAff (30 April 2015)
The posts that were removed had nothing to do with this discussion and in reality were nothing but two people attacking each other in a somewhat personal matter, or additional posts that brought additional attention to those posts.
Moving those posts to a different thread, where the attacks could continue does nothing for the community and would further allow the continuation of personal type attacks which is against the spirit of what the GPWA is about as well as actually being against the terms. We felt that by allowing the continuation, the attacks may have become more personal in nature and could possibly have become more heated.
Those posts were therefore moved to the archive instead. This is called moderation, and was done in an attempt to try and allow this thread to get back on track.
Making posts within this thread with the accusations of censorship, again also is off-topic and does nothing to advance the topic and really detracts readers away from the ever important issue of the hacker, where and how it is taking place, what programs are and are not doing about it, and exposing those programs that are either dragging their feet in reacting or refusing to react at all.
mojo (26 February 2015)
Thanks Rick. The GPWA is lucky to have you
Huh? Says who? You? I don't know this person Carmel but you cannot speak for all affiliates dear RZ. What makes you an authority? Who's the best female?And I am really very angry, that you also censored my good and positive words for Carmel, the best male representative in the industry. This was a very, very ugly and bad action!
I would like to hear more about what AffPower is doing to help. I understand there was a positive meeting but what does that mean?
Last edited by mojo; 26 February 2015 at 11:57 pm.
report how much you can![]()
What makes you an authority?
I am independent, no brownnose, and education and integrity is very important for me. If I am the biggest supporter of Carmel, then that's the way it is. Yet, one thing is certain: I am not the only who is supporting him and have no benefit in supporting him.
With a lot of posts I only speak out loud what a large part of silent majority is thinking. Some are not able to write the truth about some people here for good reasons I don't need to explain because they are business people and can't do that in public.
The logic behind my little personal stalker group is very easy:
If I am supporting person x, then she/he can't be "good" anymore only because I am promoting him.
If I am debunking a criminal, then this criminal can't be a criminal because I was the one who pilloried her/him.
This is the result of being poisoned by hate ... or more.
One simple question, mojo: What have you done in all the hacker cases here for the community?
Can you please link to your investigation posts, your technical solution posts, your massive help you have given the community?
Also for this thread you obviously only have entered to throw stones ... but it is a hacker issue?
What is the benefit for the community from your presence here in this thread?
Your post links please?!
In the meantime the audience can take a look who have done something for community in reading this thread from the beginning:
Any questions?
"Who's the best female?"
Maria Florides from Harbour Gaming.
Copy and screenshot made of this post for my diary for the case of censorship.
Usually when I see constant belittling and jabs at the GPWA and it's staff and anyone else you feel like bullying is when I post. I will continue to do so if I'm around.![]()
It certainly makes one wonder, with your obvious expertise on running forums, why you don't start your own with your 'audience' rather than insulting your host here.
Oops derailed again. Wonder why that keeps happening? Sorry Rick, feel free to move. I've made a copy of this post in my mind.
Last edited by mojo; 27 February 2015 at 11:28 am.
29 January 2015
Roulette Zeitung
"you have banned, black listed or removed AffPower's brand Deuce Club and Cosmik Casino from your website, because they are since months (!) a proven accomplice of crime, on every hacker list and knowingly working together with them? [...] Why GPWA is promoting through his financial main portal Casinocity still the Affpower brands with super special offers and bonus code and with the knownledge since months (!), that these brands are proven accomplice of crime?"
Source: https://www.cpcamcctv.com/forum/current-c...tml#post778312
24. February 2015
Roulette Zeitung
"No reaction from any GPWA staff including super moderators, no reaction, not even an allergic one.
It speaks volumes. [...] The GPWA = Casino City promotion of the criminal casinos is still active"
Source: https://www.cpcamcctv.com/forum/current-c...tml#post780454
24. February 2015
"Michael met with Affpower in London and had a positive meeting. When he went over the details with them in more depth in person, there was an agreement to cooperate with respect to specific affiliate id's we report to them showing a hacked site utilizing that affiliate id. So there has been progress on the Affpower front."
Source: https://www.cpcamcctv.com/forum/current-c...tml#post780477
"So there has been progress on the Affpower front."
After 23 (!) more days, the only thing that happens is that this serious issue is in danger to wither on the vine.
Hey Mojo,
I really like your posts, however whether Carmel is the best AM, second best or the worst is not truly important and i think that for all of us it's important that this thread stays focused
Much respect,
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-Shay- (21 March 2015), Roulette Zeitung (21 March 2015)